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Still waiting for blazer ordered 11 August! Part order delivered 28 August. At previous large school, the supplier delivered in a timely manner, no delay. School Solutions has contacted the shop to no avail.

Website shows wrong ties for year groups! As it's a new school we were unaware until son went to school wearing one! Still not received second (wrong) tie. Unable to tell Rawcliffes as phone not answered.

This non- delivery and no communication is not acceptable so I will be contacting Citizens Advice, possibly Trading Standards.    24-09-14


Terrible service. Order part delivered but no 'to follow' note so didn't know if they had order correct. Phone not answered,messages full. Went to shop, told blazer and ties not in stock, still will be delivered.
When ordered told don't stock PE kit, couldn't say who did! Told to ask school - this during holidays!
Thanks to a previous reviewer will get PE kit from Motif8 in Thornaby. Will suggest to school they change supplier!   30-08-14
